• Tu sais maintenant te présenter et parler de toi. Tu vas devoir le faire à l'ora, puis à l'écrit en changeant de personnalité en fonction des images qui te seront données. Entraîne-toi, comme nous l'avons fait en classe (Jane) en utilisant les identités suivantes : Mark et Ann.

    E6-B1L6 : Let's recap!

    E6-B1L6 : Let's recap!

    My name is Mark and I'm eleven years old.

    I'm from Scotland, I'm Scottish and I live in Glasgow.

    I've got two brothers and three sisters.

    I've got three goldfish, five puppies and two mice but I haven't got a guinea pig and a parrot.

    I can ride a bike, skate and draw but I can't swim and ride a horse.

    I've got a bike and a mobile but I haven't got a computer.

    I like chocolate and I love cakes and cookies but I don't like cheese and salad.

    I like oranges, apples and apricots but I prefer pears and bananas.

    E6-B1L6 : Let's recap!

    E6-B1L6 : Let's recap!

    My name is Ann and I'm fifteen years old. 

    I'm from the Republic of Ireland, I'm Irish and I live in Cork.

    I've got a brother and a sister.

    I've got three rabbits, eight goldfish, a dog and two snakes but I haven't got a tortoise.

    I can ride a horse, ski and swim but I can't sing and draw.

    I've got a mobile but I haven't got a computer.

    I hate orange, black and grey but I like pink, blue, yellow and green.

    I don't like oranges, apricots and bananas but I prefer pears and lemons.

    I love autumn but I prefer summer to autumn.